respR at SEB 2018
I recently presented our R
package respR at the Society for Experimental Biology annual meeting in Florence, which as usual was heavily attended by physiologists (hello to the SEB Fish Mafia!).
Coincidentally, my co-dev Januar also presented on respR
a few days prior to this at the Australian Marine Sciences Association conference in Adelaide.
For both of us the reception was great - lots of interest in the package, and many helpful comments. Many were towards supporting different oxygen recording systems, particularly Firesting. I’m happy to say Januar is on the case and has already built in support for automatic import of Firesting files (and others) to our import_file
function. This is currently in testing, but should be live on the master branch very soon (though feel free to install from the dev branch if you would like to play with it).
Also we got a lot of questions on how we handle intermittent flow experiments. The package can do this okay at present, though it takes a little bit of extra data management (mostly specifying to the functions where each replicate occurs in the data, or subsetting these out). We’re currently thinking how we can make these analyses more streamlined, so any input there would be very welcome.