I wrote a summary of our PNAS study for the popular science blog, The Science Breaker.
I have a new R package on my Github, with a very imaginative name:
Every time I make this bread for someone new they ask for the recipe, and I always forget to send it, so from now on it’s right here.
I just released a new R package - attackR, which contains the code we used in our recent PNAS study in which we examined how humpback whales are able to sneak up on easily-scattered anchovies, a counter-intuitive finding related to their large size and approach speeds.
We picked up quite a bit of press for our recent study in PNAS on humpback whale foraging on anchovies.
Delighted to see our long-gestating, complex study published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and also featured on the cover!
The Methods in Ecology and Evolution paper for respR has just been assigned an issue.
I just updated the respfun package with three new functions:
I recently put this offer up on Twitter and was amazed by the response: